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铜单槽线夹 (DCT)


16.铜单槽线夹 (DCT) Copper single-groove clamp

■ 适用范围 Application                                                                                         

◆ 16~120mm铜绞线的接续

◆ 配绝缘罩可用于绝缘导线的接续

◆ The connection of 16-20mm2 copper wire

◆ Insulation cover is suitable for the connector of insulation conductor

■ 结构特点 Structure feature

■ 规格及技术参数 Specification

◆ 主体材料由挤压成型,强度高

◆ 接椟性能好,接触电阻小

◆ 无磁滞流损耗,节能效果显著

◆ The body material designed by extruding,high strength

◆ Good splicing performance,low-reistance touching

◆ It has advantage of saving-energe